A Forum run by Enthusiasts of MidNite Solar

Professional Installers and their info => International => Topic started by: South New One on April 29, 2020, 05:05:52 PM

Title: Argentina - New at Forum and Clean Energy.
Post by: South New One on April 29, 2020, 05:05:52 PM
Hello Everybody.

Entiendo ingles, pero para que no haya malosentendidos preferiria desarrollar mis inquietudes en español.
Vivo en el campo, ( Zona Rural ) tengo un sistema de energia OFF-GRIDE. Ubicado en la Argentina South America - Coordenadas -33,8664 -60,2092. Es decir latitud Sur y Longitud Oeste )
Compuesto por los Siguientes elementos.
Dos grupos de 6 paneles solares de 250 V cada uno. Mirando al Este y al OESTE respectivamente. Total 12
2 Midnite Classic ( 1 Classic - Master y 1 Lite - Slave ) Uno para el conjunto Este y el otro para el conjunto Oeste. Ya que tienen diferente incidencia solar.
Un banco de 8 baterias Trojan 105 - 225 ah formando 48V
Un Inversor - Cargador de 3500 W Marca QMax ( Desarrollado y Hecho en Argentina )
Un GE Hyundai 5,5 Kva - Just in Case - que el caso es q tiene un problema con la conexiona tierra y cuando lo enciendo me salta la térmica del Inversor - ya en breve lo cambiaré por un HONDA de 6KV con arranque electrónico automático según caiga el porcentaje de carga del banco de baterias.
Recientemente adquirí un Aerogenerador ( Turbina Viento ) en China de 600 W en 48V que vino con un Control de Carga que es demasiado básico, pero no lo entiendo.

Mis preguntas son dos:

Puedo conectar el Aerogenerador  directamente al Classic que tengo actualmente para uno de los conjuntos de PV ? ( y que funciona como Master ). En el sector Aux, pero para que funcione al mismo tiempo que el PV. ??

Un Clipper se justifica solo para Turbinas de mas de 1 KV o en este caso sería aconsejable?

Aclaración: Porqué agregué un Aerogenerador ?. Porque los dias muy nublados o de varios dias de temporal en general hay viento, como asi tmb por la noche, de tal forma que es totalmente COMPLEMENTARIO y por otra parte según mi experiencia hasta ahora, con 15 o 20 Km/h de viento q es algo usual en esta zona, es muy poca la energia que genera.

Bueno gracias por permitirme usar este Foro y aprender cada dia un poco más.
Saludos. Manuel
Title: Re: Argentina - New at Forum and Clean Energy.
Post by: boB on April 30, 2020, 12:13:52 AM

Hello Manuel.  Welcome.  I have had Google translate some of your questions and comments....
However, we do have some Spanish speaking people here that can help if I did not understand completely.

"Composed of the following elements.
Two groups of 6 solar panels of 250 V each. Looking East and WEST respectively. "

I am not sure I understand.  Are you saying that each string of 6 solar panels are 250 volts of open circuit ?
If so, that will barely work on one Classic 250 charge controller since it stops working at 251 volts open circuit.

"I recently purchased a 600W 48V Wind Turbine in China that came with a Load Control that is too basic, but I don't get it."

I do not understand what they may have for control either.  Most likely it is a "dump"  load controller which will not work.

"Can I connect the Wind Turbine directly to the Classic I currently have for one of the PV sets? (and that works as a Master). In the Aux sector, but so that it works at the same time as the PV.

A Clipper is justified only for Turbines of more than 1 KV or in this case it would be advisable?"

I think you may be asking if the Aux can control the dump circuit ??   But YES, the two Classics can work fine together when one Classic is connected to Solar and the other Classic is connected to your wind turbine.

If you connect the two charge controllers in "Follow Me" mode with cables going from one controller to the next and then the next controller running back to the first controller, in a loop, this will take care of the master-slave relationship without having to worry about a master or slave relationship.

As far as 1kV clipping, no, you need to have the clipper keep the input of the Classic from going above 250 volts maximum for the wind turbine so that the Classic does not turn off due to high voltage in higher winds or wind gusts.  Even though you have fairly low wind speeds, the wind gusts of temporary high speed can hurt the Classic because the voltage will go too high momentarily.
The Aux output can keep the wind turbine loaded down to a maximum voltage by telling the Clipper to clip when the high speed or voltage is not needed.  This clipping below 250 volts will also help keep the wind turbine bearings from wearing out as fast as they normally would without a clipper.

Then, if the connection to the Clipper from the Aux output fails or if the Classic should stop sending the clip signal, the fail-safe adjustment in the Clipper (if it is our clipper and adjusted properly) will keep the turbine from spinning too fast and having a voltage

"Clarification: Why did I add a Wind Turbine? Because on very cloudy days or several days of storm there is generally wind, as well as tmb at night, in such a way that it is totally COMPLEMENTARY and on the other hand according to my experience so far, with 15 or 20 km / h of wind q It is something usual in this area, there is very little energy that it generates."

This is a very good reason to have both Solar and Wind when possible.  The wind speed may or may not be high enough to help except for certain times of the year.  I have the same problem here in the western side of the state of Washington where the wind normally blows good in the month of October.


Title: Re: Argentina - New at Forum and Clean Energy.
Post by: South New One on April 30, 2020, 10:09:33 AM
Hello Bob

Many Thanks for your answer.

I will give more Explanation. Surely I was not clear enough.
Two Groups of 6 solar panel each. OK
But with these parameters each one
250 WP
8,17 LPMP
30,6 VPMP
37 VOC
8,68 ISC
Each Group of 6 panels are connected in two strings of 3 Panels in serie, so they are 111 VOC.

Another Explanation.
The two Classic are 150, wether 1 Classic 150  ( MNGP ) and the other, Lite 150.

Another explanation.
Actually I am using the two Classic as MPPT connected as you said, the Lite following at Classic MNGP.
Why? Because each group of PF are in different orientation, so they got different charges.
And I assumed that are not compatibles to work two diffrents groups of charges with only one MPPT.
If it is correct, I can not use one Classic to control the Charge of the Wind Turbine. Because the 2 that I have are in use.
So If I understood your advise. I must use the Clipper to protect ( even is my WT are less than 1 KV ) the MPPT.
In that case I will need another Classic 150 ( exclusively for WT ) or better a MNKID HWD with a Clipper and connect in theird position following the others two Classic working now as MPPT. Or directly to the Battery Bank in case I use the Kid ??  I understand correctly ?

Respect the gadget for controll the Wind Generator ( China ), I called Charge Controller ( Control de carga ), but I do not know the diference between than a Charge Controller and a Dump Load Controller. But in any case these gadget are not working properly.

Another Important explanation ( may be is not be necessary, because probably more of you can figure it out, I am no a professional installer, I am just an enthusiast.

Many Thanks
Kinds Regards. Manuel