Aux cooling fan control from a Classic 150

Started by tednruthy, January 17, 2012, 03:03:34 PM

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I am just finishing the install of a Classic 150 in a basement compartment of my motorhome.  I have 880 watts of panels attached.  This compartment has no cooling fans and I would like to install 2, one being redundant.  Is there a way to control these fabs and at a certain temperature turn them on.  I plan to use 12V nominal chassis fans.  I have my 1500 watt inverter in the same cabinet and want to ensure cool operation.  THANKS TED


Ted, if you are using battery temperature compensation, could you please check in the TEMPS menu
to see how hot it thinks they are getting when you think the cooling fans should come on ??

I believe that another Aux 1 or Aux 2 mode can be added to accomplish this where you select a
temperature to active that aux output and turn on a fan.

K7IQ 🌛  He/She/Me


boB,  I will check the temperature once I am operational and using the inverter.I did a check a couple weeks ago just running the inverter before I had the panels installed.  The compartment got up to the 90 degree range I estimate from just feel.  I had moved the inverter from a different undesirable location int this unventilated compartment.  I believe I will need venting and want a way to turn the fans on and off as needed to minimize power use.

When you say that 'another aux1 or aux2 mode can be added' what do yu mean?  The controller has an aux1 and aux2 can I not use one of the existing ones?  The other option is to add a temperature probe that will alert me of a temp over maybe 90 degrees and turn on a fan.  I just saw the writeup on the aux1 and aux2 and although I didn't understand all I read I thought maybe this could be used.  THANKS TED


Quote from: tednruthy on January 18, 2012, 07:33:44 AM

When you say that 'another aux1 or aux2 mode can be added' what do yu mean?  The controller has an aux1 and aux2 can I not use one of the existing ones?  The other option is to add a temperature probe that will alert me of a temp over maybe 90 degrees and turn on a fan.  I just saw the writeup on the aux1 and aux2 and although I didn't understand all I read I thought maybe this could be used.  THANKS TED

What I meant was that the Aux1 and Aux2 functions do not support their triggering at a certain battery temperature but that
could be added to the list of functions.   It is a very good idea.

K7IQ 🌛  He/She/Me