PV array input power higher than the indicated by the Classic string calculator

Started by ulisse10000, May 14, 2024, 11:19:16 AM

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Hello every one,
I was searching in the classic charge controller section to see if some one was asking my question already but I do not found something so I try to ask here.
I have a solar system with a classic 200, actually the installed maximum power is 2300 Watt but due to the shadowing of some panels and losses normally I see a max peak power input to the classic of 1700 watt.
I would like to increase the strings adding a new string of 600 watt maximum power reaching a maximum power (theoretical power) of the over all panels to 2900 watt.
My question is considering that string calculator allow me to have a maximum power of 2200 watt what will happen if the real power input to the classic will be bigger of 2200 watt?
I will risk to damage the classic or the controller will limit the input power to avoid damage?
Thanks for your help and I hope that I was not asking something  already addressed in the forum

system details:

Classic 200
battery voltage 24 Volt
solar panels 5 strings in parallel each with two panel in series. each string have a power of 460 Watt
actually my maxim battery charging current that i see is around 55 Amps


Welcome to our forum !

Normally you can add more solar and what will happen is that the Classic will self limit its output current if it would exceed its output power (current) rating too much.

So, you should be OK it sounds like from the numbers you have mentioned.

K7IQ 🌛  He/She/Me


you can also set manual limits.
I did this with some Outback FM80(14 300w Canadian solar =4200w limit to 75a on outback)48v nominal
Very possible in Classics
1.5kw on Midnite classic 150(whizbang jr.) networked 0.660kw on classic lite 200 ,180ah CALB Lifepo4 48v battery bank,123SmartBMS bms(top balanced) Outback vfx3648