Will the classic find a global MPPT maximum?

Started by stephendv, March 01, 2013, 01:49:26 AM

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Hi all,

I'm considering adding a different voltage array to my existing array, so the MPPT curve will have a dip in it and a false maximum at one point.  Will the classic find the global maximum and not get stuck on a local peak?

Existing array is 2.8kW with Vmp 90V and the new array would be 2kW at 80V.  So there should be a global maximum at a smidge over 80V, then a dip, and then another lower peak closer to 90V.   I know that an 10V difference is not ideal, but the new panels are so cheap that it's more economical to just add more panels than it is to buy another controller.  As long as the classic can find the true MPP.


Yes, it should find that global peak just fine in either Solar mode or even Legacy mode.

Since you know this array pretty well, please let me know how it does work.

Thanks !

K7IQ 🌛  He/She/Me


Thanks boB, yep will let you know how it performs once it's installed.  The new array will use CIS or CIGS panels so will be interesting to see how it responds compared to the poli.