Local app on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with Wine success

Started by unyalli, April 16, 2013, 07:00:15 AM

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Reporting success running Local app 0.3.24 on Ubuntu 12.04 Unity desktop with wine.

In Ubuntu Software Center search on wine and install the Wine Windows Program Loader and Wine Tricks.

I did not try to break things so first installed Air by clicking the Windows link at mymidnite. Ubuntu asked if I wanted to open it with wine and I did. Next I clicked the local app link and was asked if I wanted to run it with Adobe Air installer and I clicked yes. That was it.

I also installed x11vnc so I could remote the machine and followed the below to have it run at start up.

Configuring x11vnc to start on boot

Ok, so we want the service to start at boot automatically and run for as long as the machine is up. To do this we will create a simple upstart script which will listen for the login-session-start event which is triggered by lightdm. So lets create the script:

sudo vi /etc/init/x11vnc.conf

Now place the following into the script:

start on login-session-start
/usr/bin/x11vnc -xkb -noxrecord -noxfixes -noxdamage -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -display :0 -passwd "MyPasswd" -forever -bg -o /var/log/x11vnc.log
end script

Be sure that you change MyPasswd for your own password. This will ensure that not just any old random Joe can connect to your system. This will also send the output to the /var/log/x11vnc.log log file.

Because your upstart file contains a password in it we need to make it secure as the default permissions are 644, which means any user on the system can read this file and that's not what we want. So to stop this and ensure that only root has access to it do the following:

sudo chown root:root /etc/init/x11vnc.conf
sudo chmod 600 /etc/init/x11vnc.conf

Here we have set the owner/group to root and set it so that only root can read and write to the file. As these upstart services are started by root there is no issue with permissions and it shouldn't affect anything else as nothing else has the need to read this file.

Once you have done this, give the system a reboot:

sudo reboot

When the system comes back up you should be able to remote desktop to your machine using any good VNC client. It should also prompt your for the password you supplied in the config.