Firmware v2.69 6-29-2012

Started by ChrisOlson, July 25, 2012, 12:46:04 AM

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I'm having a strange problem with this firmware update - when I click the button to update my 150's the command window pops up but before I can even get the USB cable plugged in and flip the breaker to turn on the controller an error appears that says (see attachment).  Then the command window drops out.

I've tried it on all three of my 150's and the same problem on every one.  I've updated the firmware on these controllers in the past, the drivers are installed correctly, COM8.

Update:  Maybe other folks will run into this so I'll post the solution.  I had a Bluetooth module using COM8.  I disabled it, then the Updater worked correctly.  Evidently it was trying to open the Bluetooth module that was sharing COM8 with the USB CDC emulator, and the Bluetooth module had priority on that COM port.


Try with the usb cable plugged in before starting the midnite gui then  switch on  the the breaker and the download should start.
Classic 250, 150,  20 140w, 6 250w PVs, 2Kw turbine, MN ac Clipper, Epanel/MNdc, Trace SW3024E (1997), Century 1050Ah 24V FLA (1999). Arduino power monitoring and web server.  Off grid since 4/2000
West Auckland, New Zealand


Thank you Chris !    Case histories can always be put into the knowledge base for future help.

It would be nice if we could just have the Classic update application figure out what port the
Classic has automatically taken and adjust accordingly, but I cannot seem to find anyone
that knows enough about windows to help with this and documentation/books I have seen
don't appear to tell the story either.

I must assume that anyone that did know about the implementation of how this all works and how
to access this information is either retired from M$  or deceased.

K7IQ 🌛  He/She/Me


Well, I was reasonably sure that the first time I ever updated the firmware in a Classic that the Bluetooth module was using COM8 then too.  I vaguely remember it being "in use" when I set the USB CDC emulator to COM8.

But here's my theory on this - it was "in use" before because my cell phone automatically pairs with my laptop when it's in Bluetooth range.  Last night I discovered COM8 was still being used by the Bluetooth, but it wasn't in range of my cell phone so it didn't show it as being "in use".  So, evidently, the MidNite USB uploader tried to use the first thing in the list that was on COM8 and that was the Bluetooth module.

I don't know for sure on the above, but I do know that disabling the Bluetooth in the Device Manager "fixed" it.


If one is semi computer savvy and they NEED COM8 for something else, they can change the port that
the Classic update happens on...

Each batch file (.BAT)  contains text similar to this....

update_Classic-All Classic_ALL_Gen4-250V_7-23-2012.ctl -COM8

just change the COM8 to whatever COM port you want it to communicate on and change
the port in windows control panel accordingly.

K7IQ 🌛  He/She/Me