New Classic is always Resting , It's time for the old folks home .

Started by CDN-VT, November 06, 2014, 08:18:40 PM

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I got your voicemail.

The Magnum BTS is 100K and the MidNite BTS is 10K (boB will correct me if I am wrong)

If you where to bring it in we could comvert it back to a Midnite BTS or we can send you a Magnum BTS although it sounds like you found the fault.

If you need to call for boB best thing to do is push 5 at the main number and ask for boB. Or email him
Changing the way wind turbines operate one smoke filled box at a time


First shot is the inside of the Classic

Second shot it the Magnum BTS opened , telco wire crimp end cut & ohm & continuity checked .

Third Shot is the open green wire was touching the metal base bolt to a battery stud

Fourth is original bad crimp telco installed & all shorted to try the fans run with max battery temp .

So is the base from the light the same as the classic full ? 
I ask because I'll just swap this Classic into a follow me light on the new upcoming Array & use a light base with this midnight front panel . If this 100K BTS has been reduced into a lite & follow me , I don't need the BTS on this 100k unit.
The Lite is regular Blue Midnight ,10 Ohm as I measured it @ 0 Celsius .

Im thinking the Green wire from the shorted magnum to base  gave power into the Classic ,This had me in resting always after 1o mins or so, plus the crimp on the telco was poor , yellow had no conductivity.Yellow & black wire Pin 2 & 5 were same potential from the picture,but bad crimp on pin 2 & a power potential . Glad it didn't LET THE  smoke out on a new Classic.

Canadian Solar 350W 37.6 VOC  30.6 VMP 8.22 ISC 7.87 IMP ,-15 c +30c max  4 strings in 2 in Series for 24v Classic 150 -1020 Ah  Freezers & fridges ~~~ Second Array same panels of 3sx3 parallel for 24 V Classic 150 -440 Ah Outback Barns & out blds.
48Vdc almost done,11Strings up of 3s11P same panels


First shot , classic with a midnight BTS use , Way Off

Second shot After I repaired the Magnum BTS with a new crimp & heat shrink the thermistor , covered in SDG paste & reassembled .


Shorted BTS jack , Classic screen
EDIT : The last pix is of the telco plug & the plugs wired all connected to put the classic into this :
Canadian Solar 350W 37.6 VOC  30.6 VMP 8.22 ISC 7.87 IMP ,-15 c +30c max  4 strings in 2 in Series for 24v Classic 150 -1020 Ah  Freezers & fridges ~~~ Second Array same panels of 3sx3 parallel for 24 V Classic 150 -440 Ah Outback Barns & out blds.
48Vdc almost done,11Strings up of 3s11P same panels