Classic 150 Web Server Connectivity Issues

Started by Uncle John, May 20, 2015, 09:31:43 AM

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Uncle John

I have been snow birding for the past 7 months in an Rv. It would not have been possible without solar. I have a Classic 150. I have the charge controller connected to the internet via cellular data through modems and router. All the information on charging makes it to Midnite Solar's web servers, with a seamless transition from cell tower to cell tower. In areas of no coverage blank spots appear on the graphics displayed from Midnite's web page. That is to be expected. My problem is: When I switch carriers I lose connectivity from the Classic 150 to the internet. I have a cradlepoint router that allows network fail over and fail back from verizon to Att.  Router is switching over, and back correctly. It appears to be seamless to me, however the only way to get the switch done for the Classic is to shut the controller  off and turn it back on again. Is this some kind of routing issue? The failover and failback is intended to keep up time at the max. In theory I should be able to drive cross country switching from carrier to carrier as needed showing continuous data from the Midnite site. Any thoughts?


We currently have some firmware out in Alpha testing which should address this issue. We are currently trying to move it into production for general release.

Uncle John

That is fantastic. I would love to get notified when released. Do you need another tester?   Thanks


Have a look at this thread

Please keep in mind that this ALPHA release has a lot of bugs and almost assuredly won't work as expected. We have already verified that it has broken local logging so your MNGP graphs won't work.
You will also have to point it at the test server and access that one instead of the main mymidnite site. If you're still willing to try it out we'd be happy to have you!
