Status of web access to Hawke's Bay

Started by bryhan67, June 20, 2023, 03:57:22 PM

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K7IQ 🌛  He/She/Me


If it is an external combox , I don't understand why it is getting so hot.
I think it was said that a Banana Pi is being used ?  I watch a lot of videos by Explaining Computers and Jeff Gerling and they both test out various cases for the Raspberry Pi's , some  with fans and some are passive heatsinked to metal case. They do various stress tests on them and record all the temps.
I am surprised it gets so hot - maybe that Banana Pi just isn't up to the task ?
system 1
Classic 150 , 5s3p  Kyocera 135watt , 12s Soneil 2v 540amp lead crystal for 24v pack , Outback 3524 inverter
system 2
 5s 135w Kyocero , 3s3p 270w Kyocera  to Classic 150 ,   8s Kyocera 225w to Hawkes Bay Jakiper 48v 15kwh LiFePO4 , Outback VFX 3648 inverter
system 3
KID / Brat portable


Hey, I watch that YT channel too !

No, it's an Orange Pi.  Jim is in Florida so maybe that has something to do with it ?

Even Raspberri PI's have fans though.  Mine here in AZ does anyway.

K7IQ 🌛  He/She/Me