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Heaters in the MNPowerflo5 Rack batteries?

Started by dwhipple99, October 16, 2024, 10:46:23 AM

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Midnite team,

Quick question.  I am designing or getting ready to build a system for my home, garage, and barn.  I am looking closely at the new all in one and the new Midnite batteries.  I've current got a 6000XP and inside EG4 wall mount battery powering my barn.  My garage/shop is where all the Solar equipment is being housed and unfortunately it's not heated or cooled and it can get quite cold here.  I assume I need batteries with heaters built in and I hate that rack mount EG4 because it's so hard to handle.  My solar equipment needs to be hauled upstairs to a Mezzanine level in the shop.  I would like to switch to rack type batteries so I can haul them up the stairs myself, but I am concerned the cold might be a problem.  So my question is do they have internal heaters?  If I am correct, your wall mount does and that would be an option also.



I built an insulated box around my batteries using 2x2 frame and polyiso insulation board on the frame to insulate. I put an oil filled radiator style space heater in the box to keep batteries warm and used an inkbird temperature controller with remote temp probe in the box. It worked very well in my unheated space in Wisconsin last winter. In the summer I take off the front insulation panel to open up the box. This seems like a better option than trying to rely on internal heaters in batteries since the battery cases are not insulated.

system 1
Classic 150 , 5s3p  Kyocera 135watt , 12s Soneil 2v 540amp lead crystal 24v pack , Outback 3524 inverter
 5s 135w Kyocero , 3s3p 270w Kyocera   Classic 150 ,8s2p  Kyocera 225w to Hawkes Bay Jakiper 48v 20kwh  ,Gobel 16 kwh  lifepo4 Outback VFX 3648  8s2p 380w Rec pv EG4 6000XP


Quote from: dwhipple99 on October 16, 2024, 10:46:23 AMMidnite team,

Quick question.  I am designing or getting ready to build a system for my home, garage, and barn.  I am looking closely at the new all in one and the new Midnite batteries.  I've current got a 6000XP and inside EG4 wall mount battery powering my barn.  My garage/shop is where all the Solar equipment is being housed and unfortunately it's not heated or cooled and it can get quite cold here.  I assume I need batteries with heaters built in and I hate that rack mount EG4 because it's so hard to handle.  My solar equipment needs to be hauled upstairs to a Mezzanine level in the shop.  I would like to switch to rack type batteries so I can haul them up the stairs myself, but I am concerned the cold might be a problem.  So my question is do they have internal heaters?  If I am correct, your wall mount does and that would be an option also.


The 5k does not have heaters built in, but the 16k does. 

Like @ClassicCrazy said, it might be easier to just build a small insulated box/frame around your battery rack.  Even if you include the inverter inside that box, the heat generated from the inverter and batteries might be enough to keep them warm (granted it kinda depends on your climate).