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Latest BETA adds 4 menu items to Battery Config

Started by aaapilot, February 24, 2024, 01:17:03 PM

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For those who haven't loaded BETA 24:02:13:01, I saw 4 new menu items in the Battery Config menu.  They are:  Absorb Skip Days, Global Change Limit Amps, LBCO Disconnect %, and LBCO Connect %.  Don't know if they are fully active yet or only work with a generator since this update dealt with generators. i.e. will the LBCO % settings work with AC grid/MPPT charging?  NOTE: the LBCO Disconnect % will not change from 0%.
_ _ _ _ _
Dave /:\


Seems you accidentally stumbled onto the secret button combination that enables all the unfinished/un-implemented functions. Press USER then MNGP2, select "Reset Factory Defaults" and those menu items will (should) go away.  We hid the functions that are not working and some may never work. 


Quote from: Wizbandit on February 25, 2024, 11:53:26 AMSeems you accidentally stumbled onto the secret button combination that enables all the unfinished/un-implemented functions. Press USER then MNGP2, select "Reset Factory Defaults" and those menu items will (should) go away.  We hid the functions that are not working and some may never work. 

Thanks Wizbandit, that's what happens when an old retired guy has nothing to do but stare at the MNGP2 and push buttons. At least I'm good at Beta Testing :) Until we can get our hands on a combox, I keep records/notes like the pic below ... there's a word for this! LOL
_ _ _ _ _
Dave /:\


So just another logbook to keep filled out.  What are you going to do when Commbox does that for you like the Ipad and Jepps :)

The one thing is the one thing


Quote from: Highflyer on February 25, 2024, 03:44:48 PMSo just another logbook to keep filled out.  What are you going to do when Commbox does that for you like the Ipad and Jepps :)

Ain't that the truth!  Well, guess I'll have to log more time on the tractor and tend these 7 acres better :). Don't intend to do this forever, helps me learn how the system actually works and when I see anomalies, I have some data to troubleshoot.  The Commbox can't come too soon!  Seriously ..... you know how many hours of my life, and yours,  were waisted posting changes to paper Jeps!!!
_ _ _ _ _
Dave /:\


Quote from: aaapilot on February 25, 2024, 03:58:41 PM
Quote from: Highflyer on February 25, 2024, 03:44:48 PMSo just another logbook to keep filled out.  What are you going to do when Commbox does that for you like the Ipad and Jepps :)

Ain't that the truth!  Well, guess I'll have to log more time on the tractor and tend these 7 acres better :). Don't intend to do this forever, helps me learn how the system actually works and when I see anomalies, I have some data to troubleshoot.  The Commbox can't come too soon!  Seriously ..... you know how many hours of my life, and yours,  were waisted posting changes to paper Jeps!!!


The one thing is the one thing

Groton Vermont

Alright everyone.
I ran the update loader. The display rebooted and then after about 20s it froze!!
I left it like that for 10 mins incase it was apart of the installation process but nope!
Now I can do anything. I can still connect to the blue tooth and check for updates, it says I have the lastest update. But the screen is frozen...
Can I go back to a previous update? or reinstall?


Groton Vermont

It's ok, fixed it. I found that if I power cycled whilst pressing back, it goes to some funky old version.
From there I could reinstall the latest update and it has worked.



Interesting !

Not sure what happened.  But you do have to reboot the Classic after each update.

The update app should say done or 100% and then I usually wait just a few extra seconds before powering off and on again.

K7IQ 🌛  He/She/Me


Umm. You really don't want to power-cycle the Rosie, Barcelona or Hawkes Bay until the firmware update is finished.  Rosie can take up to 8 minutes, Hbay and Bar can take up to 5 minutes.  After a FW update app says "FINISHED" that means the transfer, not the un-packing / updating process. You press MPPT or INV until you can "see" the unit, then you can but should not need to power-cycle.  Turning the power off during the FW update breaks the update.  The device will then reload factory FW (if you are lucky) and power-cycling during that reverting may break the FW.  FANS will spinup when the FW is updated.  There is NO warning on the DISPLAY yet, we have had discussions on this and they are working on a DO NOT TOUCH message on newer units.  I'm told this has to come from the BOOTLOADER which can not be updated in the field.  Older units will be updated if they ever come in for repairs.