I have Questions! (node red-classic modbus)

Started by pixeldigger, August 22, 2021, 06:29:46 PM

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I have a Pi running node red, connected to 2 Classics over Modbus IP
I collect some data, store it in Influx, and have a nice dashboard in Grafana.
My problem is: I cant understand how to pull MORE data from the classic. I can pull some registers and read them, but the registers for the WBJr are far away, and I cant get a second read.

Then I see where Graham has a Python-MQTT thing, but I have no knowlege of this, and only want to write my data to Influx-not to a MQTT broker.

Is it simple to figure out how to continue what I'm doing, or learn how to use MQTT?


To clarify the first statement
I read 20 registers from 4114
The WhizBang stuff is in the 4300 range. How do I pull a second set of reqisters with the one connection?


I think you might be able to just use Graham and Matt's raspberry pi MQTT project and use Node Red to take whichever data you want from there.
Take a look at some of their posts in the General section of Open Source Software on here.
I am sure they can point you in the right direction.
also look here https://github.com/ClassicDIY

system 1
Classic 150 , 5s3p  Kyocera 135watt , 12s Soneil 2v 540amp lead crystal for 24v pack , Outback 3524 inverter
system 2
 5s 135w Kyocero , 3s3p 270w Kyocera  to Classic 150 ,   8s Kyocera 225w to Hawkes Bay Jakiper 48v 15kwh LiFePO4 , Outback VFX 3648 inverter
system 3
KID / Brat portable