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tips/tricks to commissioning MN15 [ updated 2/2/25 ]

Started by dtbaker61, January 20, 2025, 07:09:14 PM

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tricks/tips commissioning MN15 and setting up to help things go smoothly .... I'll update this top post as I get the typical FAQ answered that were not clear to me from Manuals on my first install. Open Questions are at the bottom of top post.

Things to do before install:
  • make sure there is an "Installer account" set up on Midnite Server if you will be doing any remote monitoring/maintenance. Usually set up by whatever distributor you bought your first Inverter thru. You can then Manage your Operators site info by logging into: Http://
  • download/install the Midnite Pro phone app... you'll need it for commissioning on-site by Bluetooth
  • you may want to create the End User account ahead of time once you have the End User name, email, serial number of inverter. The User will be able to access remotely via Midnite Pro phone app or Http://
  • be prepared and do a firmware update BEFORE doing settings... otherwise you'll have to check and re-enter settings after firmware.
  • anything else I missed ?

System as-installed Description (example): retrofit home to add a 100a "backup" sub-panel, and use the MN-15 to run all loads in sub-panel if and when grid goes down, and use pre-existing PV array to keep battery charged all the time, backfeed to Grid when Grid is up and sun is up and battery is full, and charge battery during extended outages when Grid is down.
  • added a 100a breaker next to existing 200a Main panel, run 100a to MN15 'Grid in'
  • moved pre-existing ( 4kw max ) Enphase iq.7 power from backfeed breaker in Main to MN smartload: AC-couple input
  • note: there is NO DC PV run to MN15 PV input
  • MN15 AC-Load out runs to new 100a sub-panel for backed up loads, MN CT on this feed to measure loads to subpanel

Upgrade firmware...:
[update 2/2/25] The AIO firmware MUST be updatde to version 6.x or later to work right. This is easiest to do locally when you have a solid wifi signal, and the wifi router is powered on a circuit that won't lose power when you put the inverter on standby (turning OFF the output Load power). I have not yet gotten all the way through the firmware update process because I have to drive out to a remote site with a power supply to do it....
IF ANYONE ELSE has experience with firmware upgrade process for the AIO as an installer or End User... PLEASE post a step-by-step to this thread, and I will update this top-post.

--- then you are ready to commission with desired settings ---

Tips on settings and 'Work mode' desired (Scenario 1):
Client wants MN15 to "pass thru" all power from existing ac-coupled array to sell-back to grid, and keep batteries at 80% SOC until/unless Grid outage occurs, and then operate off-grid until grid is restored.


Without DC solar, I'm not sure how the modes affect you. I'm guessing self consumption would work for you as well.


fooled around on site today, and not quite getting the behavior I want...
Having only the ac-coupled input from Enphase Solar, with NO "regular" DC solar is really making it hard for me to figure out the right combination at this point.

The client wants the batteries to be maintained at 100%
and sell back all of the pv that is coming in via ac-couple when batteries are full
and have ac-couple (daytime solar) charge batteries if and when grid is down.


I've only been able to have the firmware updated remotely by contacting Midnite, who have been very helpful.  Right now I'm on 20406, which may or may not be the most up to date version.  If there is a way to update as the end user / installer, and a way to find the most up to date firmware please post it.