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Quote from: DeeK on July 25, 2024, 07:38:16 PM
Quote from: Vic on July 25, 2024, 03:53:51 PMHi DeeK,

Thanks for that Video.

The PV input voltage seems a bit low,  although the exact solar conditions are not apparant.  Wonder if you have run your PV configuration,  through the Classic String Sizer   ...

I also wonder about the Firmware version that this running,  and if all of the PVs are at the same Azimuth,  and same elevation angle.

I am totally unfamiliar with the Magnum gear,  so do not know how the battery charge current is determined.

Later,  Thanks,   Vic

Thanks Vic, PV voltage is fine. It's worked great for 10 years, no hiccups or weird data discrepancies, with the Morningstar Tristar.

Midnite Solar just got strike 2 or 3. I called their sales number today to see if I could get some useful info on the Rosie (and also upgrading the E-Panel) but I gave up after waiting 1 hour and 2 minutes for someone to pickup. I figure if they don't handle sales calls, the response for warranty or tech issues isn't likely to be better. I could be wrong but that helped me to decide make a decision.

I do thank you for that link you sent above, that is helpful.
We recently got handed a new phone system and it is not as robust in some ways, One of those ways is seeing calls on hold. I know my sales team has had some long-winded calls lately and I apologize for the long hold time, I will be working with my IT dept today to see if we can get holding calls kicked back to reception for more immediate assistance. I am happy to assist also any time my direct cell is 207-416-2006 I am frequently on another call etc but but if you leave me a voice mail I will call back, or text me to call I will also call back
Quote from: DeeK on July 25, 2024, 01:59:55 PM
Quote from: Vic on July 25, 2024, 12:58:38 PM
Quote from: ralph day on July 24, 2024, 07:23:29 AMDeek, how could you have had a poor experience with Midnitesolar?  I've only ever had, and heard about good experiences.  Possibly a dealer/installer interface that was unsatisfactory?

I completely agree with Ralph,  that it is diffecult to imagine anyone having a poor experience with MidNite solar.

In re-reading your posts,  it really seems that your "poor experience",  was not with MidNite, the company and its support of its customers,  but rather some of the design tradeoffs that MN made in the basic design of the MN Classic  --  fans,  and a relay.  But having a fan is one of the main reasons that such a small CC can put out so much output current.

Fans are wear parts,  and some of us have replaced a fan,  or two,  but all of my Classics have been in very reliable service,  since early 2011.  This is a very long service-life,  for any power electronics.

I have never heard of ANY of the Classic's relays (of which there only one), having failed.

There are also trade-offs which we make while designing our systems,  like just where to place all of our hardware items,  and our attention to ambient temperatures where our batteries,  and power electronics are located.

BTW,  the Classic's single relay does not switch any real amount of current, as it is smart enough to unload during switching.  And,  this relay is rated for a huge number of mechanical-cycles.

I am a very happy customer of MidNite Solar. The power rooms here,  are seperate,  air-conditioned spaces,  however.

Just In My Opinion.  Good Luck with the upgrade.  Vic

I am glad everything has gone well for you with MS and I am sure many share your experience. However, off the MS blog pages (on general DIY solar forums as opposed to committed MS forums) there are other opinions on the product and company.
At any rate, no, the design and relay/fan aspect were far less an issue to me than the dishonesty of providing a refurbished unit as "New". That, and the QA issues that resulted in my Classic 150 not acting the way it should and allowing batteries to discharge when they shouldn't. On the positive side, they were communicative, could be reached by phone, and they did keep at it including sending me the refurbished unit. So, there is that.
I'll attach the youtube I made. Most people I am sure wouldn't pay enough attention to the system to note the discrepancy. I have no idea if it's been fixed yet, it hadn't been several months after being brought to their attention. As I said, it didn't affect functionality other than it would under calculate kWh. It's a crappy, unprofessional video, but hopefully you'll see what I was observing. As I mention in the video, a power cycle would correct the issue but it would return a few minutes later. I didn't make a vid to show the problem with the solar power not being utilized immediately but I should have as that was the more important issue.

Perhaps MS has taken steps to improve QA and all problems have been solved. They have many happy customers so that is a good sign.

In the video, the discrepancy I do not think is in the actual power or current the Classic was putting out.  I notice that the PV input voltage (Vmp) is about the same in both pre and post ON/OFF. 75V and 74V. Depending on your Voc, it should be around 80% of that.  Ballpark.  So if the insolation is the same before and after, then it would probably be the calibration of the current sensor that you stimulated with On/Off. 

It's an offset current that the Classic zeros out.  As long as it doesn't do this very often, the kWh should be pretty close to real.   Sorry about the calling.
 MNS just got a new phone system and it needs some more work to be done.  You should not be getting that long hold time.  Do we even have music on hold ?

I haven't seen a Classic do this much offset in a long time but I am not customer service any more.

You can also try contacting by emailing CS 

I have forwarded your phone concerns to the higher ups.  Thank you for the input.
We'll get you going.

The "Classic" charge controller / Re: Setting up 2 Classic 150's...
Last post by boB - July 25, 2024, 10:26:55 PM
+2 on What Classic Crazy said...

I would use a volt meter to get an idea of how far off the voltage readings are on the Classics before modifying the Offset...  Just yet anyway.   IF the Classics are within just a few tenths of a volt as seen at the Classic battery terminals (on the Classic itself or VERY close to it) then you might move one Classic up 0.1V and the other Classic down 0.1V in that offset adjustment for the battery voltage reading.

It is important to know that two or more Classics are NOT necessarily going to share when they are not in MPPT mode.  i.e. when they are in Absorb or Float.    This is because the currents are usually pretty low in order to hold those voltages at that set-point because the batteries are almost full.

When the power requirements are higher and sun is available, the both Classics should be pretty much well below the Absorb or Float set point and THEN both Classics should be working hard.

When voltages are very near set point voltage, they just don't want to share on and off very much because target charging voltage moves around a little bit and the resolutions are only  0.1V

Make sure the battery terminals on both Classics are tight and not heating up.  Just for safety's sake as well as a good reason for battery voltage to be reading off some.

Quote from: Vic on July 25, 2024, 03:53:51 PMHi DeeK,

Thanks for that Video.

The PV input voltage seems a bit low,  although the exact solar conditions are not apparant.  Wonder if you have run your PV configuration,  through the Classic String Sizer   ...

I also wonder about the Firmware version that this running,  and if all of the PVs are at the same Azimuth,  and same elevation angle.

I am totally unfamiliar with the Magnum gear,  so do not know how the battery charge current is determined.

Later,  Thanks,   Vic

Thanks Vic, PV voltage is fine. It's worked great for 10 years, no hiccups or weird data discrepancies, with the Morningstar Tristar.

Midnite Solar just got strike 2 or 3. I called their sales number today to see if I could get some useful info on the Rosie (and also upgrading the E-Panel) but I gave up after waiting 1 hour and 2 minutes for someone to pickup. I figure if they don't handle sales calls, the response for warranty or tech issues isn't likely to be better. I could be wrong but that helped me to decide make a decision.

I do thank you for that link you sent above, that is helpful.
It seems like your two Classics are not reading the battery voltage exactly the same.
Have you used the Battery Voltage offsets to make sure they both read the same voltage ?
You would want to use a meter and take voltage reading of battery at a peak ( charge voltage , current ?) and then see what the Classic is showing . There is a menu to adjust the offset. What it sounds like is happening is that when one Classic takes the lead the voltage rises and the other Classic goes to resting because the voltage is higher .
The Rosie / Re: Beta Available...
Last post by Brucey - July 25, 2024, 04:15:56 PM
Quote from: aaapilot on July 24, 2024, 01:52:56 PMI wouldn't worry about interrupting your bride's viewing habits :). Well, I WOULD worry about it, but in this case, the iPhone app can only update Production firmware, not Beta.  Your Rosie is running the latest Production and your MNGP2 has a more recent Beta, so the iPhone won't find a more recent firmware update.  No ripple in the Force on the home front! LOL

Thanks for the tip on the iPhone not having beta firmware option. I'm not planning on AC coupling or general grid interaction so production should be fine. Hoping to hook it up to the whole house panel this weekend, only been running off a 20A 120V power strip to begin with.
Hi DeeK,

Thanks for that Video.

The PV input voltage seems a bit low,  although the exact solar conditions are not apparant.  Wonder if you have run your PV configuration,  through the Classic String Sizer   ...

I also wonder about the Firmware version that this running,  and if all of the PVs are at the same Azimuth,  and same elevation angle.

I am totally unfamiliar with the Magnum gear,  so do not know how the battery charge current is determined.

Later,  Thanks,   Vic
The "Classic" charge controller / Re: Setting up 2 Classic 150's...
Last post by Vic - July 25, 2024, 03:29:44 PM
OK, Doug,  it has been too many years since I've set up FM.

And,  you have seen the following KB page (?):

Do both Classics have identical Firmware  versions?

Thanks,  Vic
Thanks Vic, those are what I have followed.  However, they should charge independently, only one of the 150's will show that it is charging at a time.  The original shows say 3200 watts while the new one is at 0 watts and resting.  Then after a little of time they literally switch roles and the new classic will show bulk mppt and say 2900 watts while the original 150 is at 0 and resting.  The batteries are only at say 52.0 so plenty to go before fully topped off.  Panel arrays are within 20 feet of each other so sun is on them fully during this whole time.